
Fight with administrator rights in School LAB

Word count: 257 / Reading time: 2 min
2018/06/23 Share

When working at the computer lab of HS building, I want to rebuild the flask environment in the school’s computer, but many changes to the computer need an administrator password which is hard to get, then I find some tricks to climb over it without a password.

Chrome is fantastic

The fist step is to install chrome which contains many of my important bookmarks. The Google official installer of Chrome offers the function to ignore the administrator rights and install itself, which inspires me that maybe I could find more tricks to achieve my goal. By the way, the ShadowSocks is a portable app that doesn’t need installation and easy to use, and Sublime Text also has the portable version.


It surprised me that the installation of Anaconda is smooth and no pop-up window of entering password showed up. But then I find the conda command within cmd is not found, which means that I need to add the system environment variable by myself. Moreover, I found that the conventional way (Computer$\rightarrow$ Properties$\rightarrow$ Advanced system settings) to add it didn’t work, which need administrator rights, too. Fortunately, the variables could be added through cmd, like if we want to add Anaconda\Scripts to the path, try

set path=%path%;c:\Anaconda\Scritps

and set testify it, try

set path

Then you could see the new path added successfully.

**However, I found that the setting is a temporary solution, after the close of cmd these setting would be cleared. **

  1. 1. Chrome is fantastic
  2. 2. Anaconda